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Don’t Wait for Others to Motivate You. Do it Yourself

Motivation isn’t something you can take a sip from a bottle and then feel the energy to make it happen. It’s within you and you either choose to be motivated or not, which depends primarily on whether you choose to from a pleasure or pain point.

We’re all different and we’re motivated by some things, yet not others. Know thyself enough to know what works best for you. Don’t leave this important work for others to do because you won’t do yourself any justice.

Each one of us is unique and we have our own strengths and weaknesses as well as our preferences and dislikes. For example, if you find your ladder up against the wrong tree, or you are out of sync, you might kid yourself in thinking this is manageable.

However, after a while, the voice of discontent just gets louder until you do something about it. Avoid the knee jerk reactions because these are decisions based on flight or fight.

When you know your strengths, you can double up, if not triple up on them and use this to help you motivate yourself and move forward.

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