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We all have excuses for not doing what we want to do. The biggest excuse is fear and procrastination. I often see people talking about how they cannot accomplish their goals because of fear and procrastination. This article will help you break the chain!

Excuses and why we make them.

In the world of business, excuses are often used to prevent action from being taken. They are a way of avoiding responsibility and accountability for your actions. While we may think we're fooling others or ourselves when we make excuses, the truth is that they don't work because they don't help us learn how to do better next time.

Excuses are simply a waste of time and energy that could otherwise be spent making progress on projects or getting things done—and they can even prevent us from reaching our goals altogether if they become habitual thinking patterns.

What is procrastination?

Procrastination is a form of self-sabotage. It’s a way to avoid the things that make you feel uncomfortable or afraid. Sometimes we procrastinate because we just don’t know how to do something—but sometimes, we procrastinate because it feels like too much work, even though, in reality, it would only take us five minutes! Either way, when we put off doing something that could further our goals and bring us closer to our dreams, we set ourselves up for disappointment and frustration later on down the road.

Fear is usually the cause of procrastination.

Fear is the number one reason why people procrastinate. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the unknown. Fear can paralyse you from taking action in your life in a million different ways.

Here are some examples:

  • Fear of failing at something new that you want to try out (e.g., starting a blog).

  • Fear of succeeding at something new that you want to try out (e.g., starting a blog).

  • Fear that whatever decision/choice you make will be wrong or bad for you (e.g., choosing one career path versus another).

  • Fear that people will judge what you're doing (e.g., starting a blog without experience).

Break the chain and get started.

To get started, you must first set a goal. The most important thing to remember is that your goal will be broken down into smaller goals and steps. This is where the real work begins; take one step at a time and always think positive.

Goals can be broken down into several segments:

  • Breaking down your goals into daily steps, monthly milestones and yearly achievements

  • Focusing on the process rather than the end result (this will help keep you motivated)

  • Using positive self-talk instead of negative self-talk (you should never say “I can’t do this”—only say “I can do this!”)

You should also use visualization techniques to help yourself stay focused on what needs to be done and avoid distractions that might cause procrastination (e.g., Facebook).

Control what you can control.

You can control your thoughts, words and actions. You can't control other people's thoughts, words or actions.

This concept needs to be learned over time and with practice. It may seem simple, but it's not always easy to put into practice because it requires us to let go of something we've been taught our whole lives: that we need to worry about what other people think of us. But this is an unhealthy way of thinking that will do nothing but hold you back from achieving what you want in life!

Let's say you have a big project due for work already assigned to another colleague (we'll call them "Ethan"). Ethan hasn't started yet on his project, so one day, you ask him if he plans on getting started soon, so you know how much time the two of you have left before the deadline approaches. Ethan tells you that he plans on starting tomorrow morning when he gets into work—but then suddenly changes his mind halfway through the afternoon, saying that he wants more time because "something came up." The next day comes along...and goes by without any word from Ethan regarding when he'll start working on the assignment together with you; nor did anyone else tell either one of your bosses about any changes being made concerning deadlines or schedules--which means nothing changed except how long everyone else thinks they have left until everything crumbles down around their ears!

I decide to make something happen or not happen.

While it's true that you can't control everything, you do have the ability to influence your life and its outcomes. You choose whether or not to make something happen or not happen, but even when you don't get the desired result, it's still a choice. There are no accidents in this world—only the results of choices made by human beings.

You are responsible for your actions and decisions; they're yours alone! No one can make them for you except yourself (unless they're doing so without knowing that they're doing so). You may be tempted to blame others for how things turned out because "they" didn't do what "they" were supposed to do... However, these thoughts won't help anyone move forward with their lives because all this does prevent people from taking responsibility for their actions by placing blame elsewhere instead of owning up to themselves.


I believe that if you can break the chain, then you can get started. You need to set your own goals, decide what they are, and then make them happen or not happen yourself.

Excuses are the most common reason why people don't take action. There are hundreds of different types of excuses, but they all fall into two categories:

Excuses that you don't have the resources to do something. For example, "I can't start an exercise program because I don't have time."

Excuses you're scared to do something and need someone else's help. For example, "I can't start an exercise program because I'm afraid I won't be able to stick with it."

It's easy to get caught up in excuses because there is always something standing in the way of your goals. You may think you need more time, money, energy, or support from other people before you can take action and change your life. But what if you could break the chain of excuses? What if you could stop making excuses altogether?

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